Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Chester Gump is a character from stories my father used to tell us when we were youngsters growing up in southern California. My father grew up in southern Colorado and worked on a cattle ranch named the "T-Bone". He would tell stories of a young cowpoke named Chester Gump. (No relation to Forrest) Later as we grew older we relized these stories were of himself as a young man working on the ranch. With the advent of the internet I found that there was a childrens storybook character named Chester Gump too. I have wondered if my father read out of these books as a child and wrapped his personal tales around this character. I have adopted this name for this blog and I want to publish a Chester Gump cookbook too. The recepies will be based on what Chester Gump likes to eat.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Found this blog "Chester Gump" through Google.com. I was suprised to find you! What recipe do you have??