Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas in Utah

Finally. We have Snow! We all had a concern about our water situation here in the high desert. There is no prettier place than Utah County wrapped in snow at Christmas time. My family wishes all a very merry Christmas and a reminder to keep the Christ in Christmas.


Jeff said...

What "pottery" interst do you have?

Chester Gump said...

Hello Yeti. I have both my undergraduate (BYU) and Graduate (Ohio University) degrees in ceramics. I have taught Ceramics at BYU and most recently finished 7 years at our local state college soon to be granted university-ship this coming july 2008. I do not make my living with pottery. I enjoy teaching. I have a CI wheel. I have an Olympic 7 cuft electric cone 10 kiln. I am in the process of finishing my raku kiln. If I can figure out how to put photos on this blogsite i would like to share photos of my handbuilt and thrown work and my new kiln.I am new to blogging but I feel it might be a good venue to express my point of view to my peers. thanks for checking in. How is your participation in pottery.