Mom, our pioneer,
July 24 is a State holiday in Utah, It is known as Pioneer Day. For on this day in 1847 the Latter Day Saint pioneers who had to leave their homes in Nauvoo Illinois arrived in the Salt Lake valley and found that it was as the Prophet Brigham Young declared “The right place” Then the Prophet Brigham Young said “Drive On”
My thoughts go to Mom now as one of our modern day pioneers. She left her home in Utah to travel to Colorado for a short time while dad finished school. One of the “Right Places “Then on to Southern California of all places and began to raise a family. Another “Right Place” She always enjoyed visiting Utah and Colorado each summer for our family vacations. Next on her list of “Right Places” was Ohio. Living in two homes there she continued in her pioneer spirit. Always staying active in the church and volunteering to help others. We learned valuable life lessons accompanying her to ward activities, fund raisers and neighbor’s homes.
The next trek was to Missouri. I remember talking to her on the phone and how excited she was to have found a beautiful piece of property in Missouri that she and dad could retire on and have plenty of room for the grandkids. I would agree that this has been the “Right Place for them” Thanks to all of you for helping them live there dream here in Shannon County.
Each time she and Dad moved to another place she went willingly and was always able to “Drive On” and keep things going in our family. She served actively and faithfully in the church in all of the places she lived. She was there for each one of her children wherever they lived. Having visitors here on the farm; be it family or friends really made her day.
My Aunt Kay Haskell reminded me as we spoke on the phone last Saturday that all of us as a family have the temple blessings in our lives as we are all sealed together. It reminded me of a time when mom and dad were serving in the St. Louis Temple. Dad invited all of his children who could come to Missouri and to attend the temple with him and mom. Officiating the session I remember dad looking at all of us and thoughtfully nodding his head as if to say, ”This is the right place”
Thanks Mom for helping us get to the temple.
Thanks for always being in the “right place” Thanks for helping us to be able to “Drive On” Thanks to Mom for having us attend primary. Thanks to Mom for having us attend Seminary, Sunday School, Priesthood, Mutual and Sacrament meeting. Thanks for helping us to write talks, teaching us how to pray. Helping us prepare for stake dances. Getting us through Scouts and Young Women. Thanks for always having eyes in the back of your head so we never traveled too far astray.